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韓國的夏天炎熱乾燥,冬天則寒冷且伴隨乾燥氣候挑戰,加上現今全球極端氣候的影響,這些環境因素對肌膚的傷害更加劇烈,進一步加速了肌膚的老化過程。為了應對這些嚴峻的挑戰,研發出了一項革新的專利成分 — LEX™ 魚子精萃專利技術。 LEX™ 魚子精萃專利技術是韓國科研團隊根據挪威純淨大自然所啟發,採用最珍貴的挪威鮭魚魚卵精華,完美結合高效護膚成分與頂尖科技研發而成,並榮獲歐洲、美洲及亞洲等國家多項專利,生物活性與臨床測試都得到有效驗證。
The summers in Korea are hot and dry, while the winters are cold with the added challenge of a dry climate. Coupled with the effects of today's extreme global weather conditions, these environmental factors cause even more severe damage to the skin, further accelerating the aging process. To address these harsh challenges, an innovative patented ingredient was developed — LEX™ Caviar Extract Patent Technology.
Inspired by the pristine nature of Norway, LEX™ Caviar Extract Patent Technology was developed by a Korean research team, utilizing the most precious essence of Norwegian salmon roe. This cutting-edge fusion of potent skincare ingredients and advanced technology has earned multiple patents in Europe, Ame
早在幾世紀初,挪威皇室貴族們除了在餐桌上享⽤鮭⿂的絕味佳餚之外,還成功的將鮭⿂⿂⼦運⽤在御⽤保養品中,來進⾏⽇常的護膚保養,為因應挪威的地理位置與北歐氣候帶來的各種惡劣環境因素(如:極地寒冷、強紫外線輻射...等)造成肌膚的傷害。他們發現,⽤鮭⿂⿂⼦作為防禦保養品,絕對是皇室尊享的聖品,能抵抗極晝的強烈陽光和極夜的寒冷環境對⽪膚的傷害。這項專利技術能深入滲透肌膚,提供極致的滋養與修護,促進透明質酸分泌,提升膠原蛋白與彈性蛋白的合成,顯著改善肌膚的彈性與光澤。LEX™ 將來自挪威極地的神秘力量注入每一瓶精華液,幫助肌膚抵禦歲月與環境的雙重挑戰,讓消費者享受皇室般的奢華護膚體驗,感受無與倫比的年輕活力與持久美麗。
Centuries ago, Norwegian royalty not only enjoyed salmon delicacies but also discovered the skincare benefits of salmon roe to combat the harsh Nordic climate. This exclusive ingredient protected their skin from extreme cold and UV damage.
LEX™ uses this patented technology to deeply nourish and repair the skin, boosting hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin production. Each bottle harnesses the power of Norway’s polar regions, offering luxurious skincare that helps fight the effects of aging and environmental stress, delivering radiant, youthful skin.
源自挪威鮭魚的魚子精華成份,在歐洲美洲及亞洲等國家榮獲多項專利,生物活性與臨床測試都得到有效驗證。LEX™ 魚子精萃專利技術不含任何有機溶劑、安全、天然、無刺激、無致敏性,可幫助抗皺,養顏、延緩⽪膚衰⽼進程、幫助抵禦外界因素傷害、使肌膚更加年輕、健康,令容顏不⽼、⻘春永駐。
Visible Results
LEX™ — Active Ingredients from Norway's Natural Oceans
Derived from Norwegian salmon roe, this ingredient has earned multiple patents across Europe, America, and Asia, with its bioactivity and clinical effectiveness thoroughly verified. LEX™ Caviar Extract Patent Technology contains no organic solvents and is safe, natural, non-irritating, and hypoallergenic. It helps reduce wrinkles, enhances beauty, slows the skin’s aging process, and protects against external damage, making the skin appear younger and healthier, preserving a youthful and radiant appearance.
*彈性蛋白(Elastin):主要作用是肌膚彈簧的鋼筋結構,與膠原蛋白結合在一起,能把膠原蛋白等屏障肌膚健康最重要的成分綑綁好,幫助更加緊緻、平滑賦予肌膚有良好的「平滑Q彈度」。 如果缺少彈力蛋白,只補充膠原蛋白,也可能造成堆砌的結構鬆散,肌膚緊緻度則會下降,因此加上彈力蛋白,鎖住肌膚的水分,也是平滑透亮關鍵。