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Pure Nature in the Flow, Luxury Experience Beyond Permanence
At KORÉNA, we believe that each passing moment harbors infinite possibilities. Each of our products serves as a profound tribute to the endless beauty of nature, an enthusiastic ode to the art of refined living, and a deep reverence for time coupled with an unwavering quest for eternity. We are committed to crafting creations that not only bridge the purity of nature with the opulence of life but also construct a pathway between the ephemeral and the eternal, guiding you to uncover your own serene and everlasting beauty amid the swift current of time.
O:Ocean Love,源自大海的深遠之愛,提煉自然珍貴精華。
金萃水滴 Little Droplet |象徵KORÉNA產品中的精華凝珠,為肌膚帶來深層滋養 。
生命之樹 Little Wooden Piece |代表森林的生命力,象徵我們對可持續發展的承諾,注入肌膚的活力與能量。
還記得那個平凡的清晨,當我站在鏡子前,突然看清了時光在我臉上悄然刻下的細紋。那一刻,我的心中湧起了一種難以名狀的複雜情緒——既有對逝去青春的些許惆悵,也有對人生閱歷的欣慰,更多的是一種深刻的領悟。 在這個不斷追求成功的世界裡,我們常常全身心投入事業和財富的競逐中,卻不經意間忽視了最重要的人——自己。我不禁捫心自問:在追逐外在成就的同時,我們是否遺忘了對自己的關愛?為什麼我們不能放慢腳步,多花些時間好好愛惜自己呢? 這個認知,如同一顆種子,在我心中生根發芽,最終孕育出了 KORÉNA 的理念——一個致力於幫助每個人重新關愛自己的品牌。因為我深信,唯有懂得珍惜自己,我們才能以最好的狀態擁抱生活,綻放真正的光彩。
I still remember that ordinary morning when I stood in front of the mirror and suddenly noticed the fine lines that time had quietly etched onto my face. In that moment, a complex emotion surged within me—a mixture of melancholy over lost youth, gratitude for the experiences of life, and, most of all, a deep realization. In this world that constantly pushes us to pursue success, we often pour all our energy into chasing careers and wealth, unintentionally neglecting the most important person—ourselves. I found myself asking: In the pursuit of external achievements, have we forgotten to care for ourselves? Why can't we slow down and spend more time cherishing who we are?
This realization, like a seed, took root in my heart and eventually blossomed into the concept behind KORÉNA—a brand dedicated to helping each person rediscover self-care. Because I firmly believe that only by learning to appreciate ourselves can we embrace life in our best form and truly shine.
曾經,我誤以為護膚僅是女性的專屬。然而,當我開始關注自己的肌膚狀況時,我驚訝地發現那些高效的護膚品往往價格不菲,彷彿只為少數人而設。這讓我不禁思考:難道美麗也有階級之分?難道只有富裕的人才能擁有健康亮麗的肌膚?這些疑問激發了我創立 KORÉNA 的願景:讓每個人都能享受奢華護膚的體驗,不分年齡、性別或社會地位。
I once mistakenly believed that skincare was exclusively for women. However, when I started paying attention to my own skin, I was surprised to find that effective skincare products often come with a hefty price tag, as if they were designed for only a select few. This made me wonder: Does beauty have a social class? Is healthy, radiant skin only attainable for the wealthy? These questions sparked the vision behind KORÉNA: to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, gender, or social status, can enjoy the experience of luxurious skincare.
在探索高端護膚的過程中,我驚嘆於韓國護膚科技的卓越成就。作為亞洲護膚領域的翹楚,韓國的護膚技術不僅領先群倫,更能媲美全球頂級奢華品牌。然而,這些尖端科技往往被束之高閣,只服務於少數精品頂奢護膚品牌。這一發現喚醒了我的企業家精神:為什麼不能創造一個品牌,讓每個人都有機會體驗這種頂級的護膚享受?這就是 KORÉNA 誕生的契機。
In my exploration of premium skincare, I was amazed by the remarkable achievements of Korean skincare technology. As a leader in the Asian skincare industry, Korea's advancements not only surpass others but also rival the world's top luxury brands. However, these cutting-edge technologies are often reserved for a few exclusive high-end skincare brands. This realization awakened my entrepreneurial spirit: Why not create a brand that allows everyone to experience this top-tier skincare? This was the inspiration behind the birth of KORÉNA.
與韓國頂尖集團KT&G的合作,讓 KORÉNA 有機會將韓國最先進的護膚科技與大自然的精華完美結合。我們的產品凝聚了韓國護膚領域數十年的研究成果,品質不亞於任何頂級奢華品牌,卻以更親民的價格讓更多人受惠。KORÉNA 的標誌——一滴水與一樹木的交融,象徵著尖端科技與自然力量的和諧共存,也代表了我們對卓越品質的不懈追求。
The collaboration with Korea's leading group KT&G has given KORÉNA the opportunity to perfectly combine Korea's most advanced skincare technology with the essence of nature. Our products embody decades of research in the Korean skincare industry, delivering quality on par with any top luxury brand, yet offering a more accessible price point to benefit more people. The KORÉNA logo—an integration of a drop of water and a tree—symbolizes the harmonious coexistence of cutting-edge technology and natural power, representing our unwavering pursuit of excellence in quality.
在 KORÉNA,我們堅信: 卓越的護膚體驗應該觸手可及,而非少數人的專屬。 時光是最偉大的藝術家,而護膚是最細膩的筆觸。 真正的奢華,是讓每個人都能描繪屬於自己的美麗畫卷。 我們致力於突破傳統奢華的界限,將高品質的護膚產品帶給每一個珍視自我的人。讓健康亮麗的肌膚不再是遙不可及的夢想,這是我們對每一位 KORÉNA 用戶的承諾。KORÉNA,讓我們攜手譜寫專屬於您的美麗詩篇,在時光的畫布上留下最動人的筆觸。
At KORÉNA, we firmly believe that an exceptional skincare experience should be within reach for everyone, not just a select few. Time is the greatest artist, and skincare is its most delicate brushstroke. True luxury lies in enabling each person to paint their own beautiful canvas. We are committed to breaking the boundaries of traditional luxury, bringing high-quality skincare products to everyone who values self-care. Healthy, radiant skin is no longer an unattainable dream—this is our promise to every KORÉNA user. KORÉNA, let us join hands to craft a beauty poem unique to you, leaving the most captivating strokes on the canvas of time.