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KORÉNA 同時攜手韓國業界三大集團 – KT&G 集團、 J2K BIO、韓國化學研究院,從原料、配方,到包裝封存,每一個環節都費盡心思。專利的功能性粒子科技,確保成分維持高效,直到塗抹時都能保持在剛製成好的狀態。猶如直接把深海的精華、森林的活力注入肌膚一樣,實現保養品不受時間空間限制,一滴不漏地,從源頭還給肌膚百分百的奢華保養。
KORÉNA collaborates with three major Korean industry groups – KT&G, J2K BIO, and the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology – to meticulously handle every aspect from raw materials and formulations to packaging and preservation. The patented functional particle technology ensures that the ingredients remain highly effective, maintaining their freshly made state until application. It’s as if the essence of the deep sea and the vitality of the forest are directly infused into the skin, delivering skincare that is not constrained by time or space. Every drop provides the skin with 100% luxurious care straight from the source.
KT & G 集團旗下專門成立的「功能性粒子事業團」,從 2016 年設立時開始,便已具有多款專利技術。他們成功研發並製造出比一般單層膠囊更卓越的包裹技術,除了保養品以外,此先進技術也被廣泛利用在健康功能品、食品等產品上面。
The "Functional Particle Business Unit," established under the KT & G Group in 2016, has developed numerous patented technologies since its inception. They have successfully created encapsulation technology that surpasses traditional single-layer capsules. Beyond skincare products, this advanced technology is also widely used in health supplements, food products, and other applications.
J2K BIO 是提煉珍貴的天然精華和微生物發酵的活性成分中的專家,以核心源泉技術 Meta Biom 遺傳體技術為基礎,致力於開發潛力無限的功能性原料。
J2K BIO is an expert in extracting precious natural essences and active ingredients from microbial fermentation. Based on their core technology, Meta Biom genomic technology, they are dedicated to developing functional raw materials with limitless potential.
韓國化學研究院(KRICT)自1976 年成立以來發展迅速,如今化妝品專門團隊就擁有200人,通過化學及相關融複合領域的技術開發,引領化妝品產業走入新紀元。
Since its establishment in 1976, the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) has rapidly developed. Today, its dedicated cosmetics team consists of 200 people, leading the cosmetics industry into a new era through advancements in chemistry and related interdisciplinary fields.
作為韓國頂級護膚品牌,我們將這份哲學淬煉成獨特的 PŪRES 五大護膚理念,引領您開啟一段純淨、創新、賦能、寧靜、永恆的護膚之旅。
As a top-tier Korean skincare brand, we have distilled this philosophy into the unique PŪRES five skincare principles, guiding you on a journey of purity, innovation, empowerment, serenity, and timelessness.
大自然的饋贈,是我們的靈感之源。我們遍尋世界上最純淨的角落,採撷天然瑰寶,以尖端科技,萃取其精華,獻給您的肌膚最溫和、純粹的呵護。宛如初生嬰孩般的潔淨無瑕,這就是 Pure 淨的承諾。
Nature's gifts are our source of inspiration. We search the world's purest corners to gather natural treasures, extracting their essence with cutting-edge technology to provide your skin with the gentlest, most pristine care. Like the purity of a newborn's flawless skin, this is the promise of Pure.
如大自然在律動中不斷更新,我們的肌膚亦是如此。KORÉNA 以創新科技之力,為肌膚的每個階段,獻上最理想的修護之方。讓每一次護膚,都如 Renew 煥般充滿活力,綻放新生的光彩。
Just as nature continuously renews through its rhythms, so does our skin. With the power of innovative technology, KORÉNA offers the ideal restorative solution for every stage of your skin's journey. Let each skincare experience be as invigorating as Renew, bringing forth a vibrant, renewed glow.
真正的美,源自內心的力量。我們的產品不只是護膚品,更是賦予女性自信與勇氣的利器。Empower 賦予肌膚和心靈能量,讓您每一天都充滿正能量,成為更好的自己。
True beauty comes from inner strength. Our products are not just skincare; they are tools that empower women with confidence and courage. Empower energizes both your skin and spirit, filling each day with positivity, helping you become the best version of yourself.
在喧囂中,美麗需要一份 Zen 靜。讓護膚成為一場身心對話,感受平和安寧在肌膚沁入心扉。閉上眼,靜心感受 KORÉNA 的魅力,在這一刻,完全屬於您自己。
In the midst of chaos, beauty requires a touch of Zen. Let skincare become a dialogue between body and mind, allowing tranquility to seep into your soul. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the charm of KORÉNA; in this moment, it is entirely yours.
我們堅信,美麗應當恆久持續。從原料選擇到生產製造,我們時刻踐行對環境、對社會的 Sustain 恆久之愛。唯有尊重生命,方能收穫永恆的美麗。
We firmly believe that beauty should be lasting. From ingredient selection to production, we continuously uphold our commitment to Sustain—a love for both the environment and society. Only by respecting life can we achieve enduring beauty.
Let us embark on this beautiful journey together, experiencing the top-tier skincare philosophy from Korea and opening a new chapter of beauty that belongs to you.