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在 KORÉNA,我們視護膚不謹為日常的習慣,而是一段與時間和自然同步的旅程。
At KORÉNA, we see skincare not merely as a daily routine, but as a journey in harmony with time and nature.
True beauty is the result of blossoming over time, requiring your patience and care.
隨著累計訂單金額的提升,您將進入更高的會員等級,享受更豐富的專屬禮遇,隨著您的每一步,KORÉNA 承諾與您同行,追求那一刻的不凡,探索美麗的無限可能。
As your total order amount increases, you will advance to a higher membership tier, unlocking more exclusive benefits. With every step, KORÉNA promises to walk alongside you, pursuing moments of excellence and exploring the limitless possibilities of beauty.
這就是 KORÉNA 對您的承諾,不僅是護膚的專業,更是一段豐富的旅程,與 KORÉNA 一起探索、體驗、享受屬於您的專屬美麗時光。
This is KORÉNA's promise to you—not just skincare expertise, but a rich journey. Explore, experience, and enjoy your own unique moments of beauty with KORÉNA.